LewCAS is an ecumenical group from local Churches including Quakers, Anglicans, Baptists and Free Church members. It works locally to help and campaign for the rights of refugees and asylum seekers living in our community.
provides regular food for destitute asylum seekers
gives clothing and basic household supplies including toiletries such as toothpaste and soap
takes referrals for help from the Refugee Council, Lewisham Refugee & Migrant Network (LRMN) & Action for Refugees in Lewisham (AFRIL)
supports the work of the Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network
links up with the London Refugee Network
links up with London Churches Refugee Network
supports the work of Action For Refugees in Lewisham
campaigns on behalf of asylum seekers
prays for justice and a loving response to the needs of asylum seekers
LewCAS is willing to send speakers into local schools, churches, and community groups to talk about issues facing refugees and asylum seekers, seeking to explore some of the prejudice and misrepresentation of these groups in the press and media.
To read our 2021 Annual Report click here.